Queens Federation of Churches

Trinity United Methodist Church is a member of the Queens Federation of Churches which was organized in 1931 to call the Christian churches of Queens together to embody the ecumenical vision.

That vision, vibrantly alive today, proclaims that the Oikoumene, the "inhabited earth," is the very Household of God. Each one of us, a child of God created in his holy image, is called to live together in God's Household as a member of the One Family of God.

Queens is the most ethnically diverse county in the United States. It is the global gathering place for God's children.

The Household responsibilities for care, nurture and justice are at the heart of the family values we affirm.

The Federation's programs of Ecumenical Ministry in Queens seek to manifest these values on behalf of God's children everywhere.




MAILING ADDRESS: 85-08 108th Street, Richmond Hill, NY 11418 • (718) 737-6787 • info@TrinityRichmondHill.org
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